¿Do you want to know something
about the history and development of Horizon in Chile?
Chilean users of the Horizon Library System
met in June of 1996, forming the official Chilean Horizon
Users Group, as an initiative of consultancy, support, cooperation
and shared knowledge throughout the country.
Our common goal is to enhance the use and
capabilities of Horizon in our libraries, and in consequence,
to improve our processes and services, sharing experience,
news and knowledge that allow us to face all the challenges
that the growing world of library automation presents us.
We are making history in the Chilean library
automation story, because we are the first official User Group
formed in the country. Cordially, we invite all our appreciated
colleagues throughout the world, to visit our WebPage and
give us your comments, suggests and, of course, criticism.
This will be very appreciated.
Please, send your comments, news, suggests and criticism
to the Board of the Group.